One Minute Mindfulness Exercise

I often teach mindfulness to the people I work with. People who are struggling with painful and distressing symptoms find it a useful tool in helping them to cope.

Our brains are so complex and so busy and our thoughts can have a powerful physical affect on our bodies. Remembering a stressful incident at work can raise your blood pressure, thinking about the presentation we have to do in a months time can cause a surge in adrenaline.

We have amazing brains. A picture of a delicious cake or juicy strawberries can make us salivate, a photograph can physically arouse us. But there are times when we need to quieten it down a bit. To have a rest from our thoughts. 

Mindfulness can help with that.

This is a simple mindful exercise you can do whilst waiting for the kettle to boil.

Put the kettle on and then focus all your attention on your breathing. There’s no need to slow down your breathing, just leave your eyes open and breathe as you normally would. Count at the end of each out breath.

Your mind will wander, that’s normal, so be ready to notice that and bring your attention back to your breath.

Feel the sensations of each breath as it flows into and out of your body. Notice the sensations in your nose, your rib cage, your chest. Notice the temperature of the air as you breathe in and then again when you breathe out.

If your thoughts drift away don’t worry. Simply notice that it’s happened and come back to focus on your breath. In and out. In and out.

Continue this until the kettle has come to a boil.

And that’s it.

It seems a simple task but it will have a powerful effect on your body.

Notice how you feel afterwards and the more you practice the easier it becomes. 

Mindfulness can help with anxiety, depression and stress and may even help your skin.

You can use this exercise many times throughout the day, whenever you need a cuppa!